Our story

Our story
SoLongevity was born out of the commitment, passion and collaboration of highly qualified researchers and clinics
The beginning
SoLongevity came into being in 2019 through the collaboration of highly qualified researchers and clinics. Its story, actually, starts many years earlier and is much influenced by the great biomedical revolution which began in the 1980s and continues to this day. It finds its roots at the discovery of the HIV virus at the Parisian Institut Pasteur. In those same laboratories Doctor Alberto Beretta, immunologist and founder of SoLongevity, lived through the very moments of the virus’s discovery and the resulting diagnostic tests and effective drugs. Herein we have an example of how basic research can be transferred to the clinic extremely rapidly.
The story continues to the beginning of the new millennium at the Ospedale San Raffaele in Milan, when Alberto Beretta, as a doctor and immunology researcher, began to observe the close connections between the natural aging of the immune system with that caused by AIDS. He also began to study the effects of chronic low-grade inflammation, one of the main mechanisms of aging.
During those same years, two key events occurred. First, the completion of the human genome mapping in 2003 thanks to the Human Genome Project, a Big Science program which involved thousands of scientists around the world. From that moment on, everything changed as the unceasing technological developments in DNA sequencing revolutionized biomedicine in unforeseeable ways. Only 20 years ago, our current ability to understand the complex processes that regulate human beings and their relationship with the Environment could not have been imagined.
The second big discovery was that of the “longevity genes” by Leonard Pershing Guarente from MIT in Boston. During the following decade, research on longevity exploded also thanks to studies by David A. Sinclair from the Harvard Medical School, and new genetic and molecular processes, which underlie aging, were identified. In addition to this, specific natural substances, which can interfere with some of these processes and have a significant impact on longevity, were identified.
With such an incredible background and know-how, Alberto Beretta, together with a group of CNR researchers, the San Raffaele Hospital, the Niguarda Hospital and the Policlinico, all based in Milan, Italy, began developing a process of integrated anti-aging strategies and innovative nutraceutical formulations which are capable of slowing cellular aging. SoLongevity was founded to translate these breakthrough developments into clinical environments with the mission to increase the potential for everyone to live healthier as well as for longer.
Today, SoLongevity is able to develop and offer protocols and products for Healthy Aging which are scientifically grounded, precisely assessing their impact on human aging.
SoLongevity’s approach
SoLongevity deeply understand that the fight against aging requires a multidisciplinary approach which needs to take into consideration the ‘cognitive’ aspect of human nature, and requires to be individually tailored. The collaboration with Professor Valentina Bollati at the Laboratory of Environmental Epigenetics and with Professor Mario Clerici’s Immunology Laboratory, both at the University of Milan, has led to the creation of highly sophisticated systems to measure individual biological age and the level of immune senescence, which may arise with aging, often triggered by infectious diseases.
Solongevity’s quest for precision diagnostic methods and therapies for physiological rejuvenation as well as prevention of chronic noncommunicable diseases has seen the active interest of the National Innovation Center for Aging in Newcastle, U.K., with whom an extremely fruitful and productive collaboration began in 2021 with the aim of developing and selecting the most advanced and mature technologies for clinical use that can make a difference to people’s health.
Today, thanks to this synergy, SoLongevity is able to develop and offer protocols and products for Healthy Aging which are scientifically grounded and can validate their impact on human aging with great precision.