
Alberto Beretta

SoLongevity Chairman e Scientific Chief Officer

In a short time we have gone from theories that hypothesize a sort of “genetic doom” of the ageing process, to experimental demonstrations that our cells control molecular mechanisms that, in fact, govern the way we age, modulating the effects of our genetic predisposition. And that’s not all. It is now clear that these regulatory mechanisms can be influenced by our lifestyle and by natural molecules that can activate them virtuously, helping us to take the ideal path to healthy ageing. I founded SoLongevity (an acronym for Science of Longevity) by bringing together a group of colleagues, researchers and clinicians, who enthusiastically share the same goal: to transfer the latest technologies and knowledge in the field of longevity to clinical practice, in order to face the challenges that the passage of time imposes on us well in advance.

Alberto Beretta is a medical immunologist, President and Scientific Director of SoLongevity. He began his career as a medical researcher at the Pasteur Institute in Paris in the first half of the 1980s, when the HIV virus was discovered, participating in research that led to the identification of genetic variants that protect against infection. Since then, as Director of the HIV Immunobiology Unit at the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, he has focused his research activity on the mechanisms underlying the weakening of the immune system in patients with HIV infection. More recently he has extended his research activity to the area of Healthy-aging, with particular attention to the role of genetic and epigenetic mechanisms that determine the way we age.

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