BioClock SoLongevity

The program for your Healthy Longevity Project.

BioClock SoLongevity, what is it?


BioClock SoLongevity is SoLongevity’s latest program designed to assess a patient’s biological age and the aging status of key physiological systems. Our Longevity Doctors use these results to create a personalized healthy longevity plan.

Who is it aimed at?


The program is ideal for adults who want to preserve or boost their longevity, maintain or improve their physical and mental performance over time, and is especially recommended for those over 45.

Why is it important to undergo BioClock SoLongevity?


Biological age is a useful indicator for planning health and longevity because it highlights aspects of cellular function that are modifiable and reversible—that is, they can be improved—by addressing the environmental and behavioral factors that influence them.

The BioClock SoLongevity program focuses on maximizing the personalization of intervention recommendations, both in terms of lifestyle and the adoption of specific therapeutic protocols. These protocols work by influencing cellular balance, reducing the expression of “pro-aging” genes, and enhancing the patient’s “pro-longevity” strengths.

What does the BioClock SoLongevity program actually involve?


The BioClock SoLongevity program includes:

  • The blood sample collection (at home or in the clinic),
  • The online medical questionnaire,
  • The medical consultation (in-person or online) with the Longevity Doctor, lasting about 45 minutes,
  • The analysis of biological age from blood samples,

The final meeting, lasting about 45 minutes, to discuss the results and provide personalized recommendations for your healthy longevity with the Longevity Doctor.

What results can you expect?


Once the blood sample is collected, SoLongevity will begin epigenetic DNA analysis using the Clock Foundation’s GrimAge test, along with medical consultations with the Longevity Doctor. These meetings, which can be held online or in the clinic, will complete the patient’s medical assessment and provide personalized guidance to help structure your own Healthy Longevity program.

The evidence found will allow:

  • to guide the patient towards any necessary follow-up diagnostic activities
  • to prioritize therapeutic interventions
  • to recommend changes in habits and behaviors to enhance healthy life expectancy.

What technology is being used?


The Clock Foundation’s GrimAge technology analyzes 10 genes that represent specific aspects of aging closely linked to key physiological systems. This allows for targeted clinical interventions to address factors that negatively impact a person’s biological age.

Where can the test be done?


All medical history and consultations with the Longevity Doctors can be conducted in person at the clinic or online. Blood samples can be collected at home within the Milan area and surrounding provinces, or at the SoLongevity Clinic located at via Petrella 6, Milan, Italy.

I would like more information about the test and its cost, or to book the program. How should I proceed?

Book a free consultation with the Longevity Coach by entering your details, and you will be contacted by +39 348 896 6601 based on your preferences. Alternatively, you can directly book the call by selecting a date and time from the form below.

For reservations in July and August, a 10% discount is available.

Fill out the form, and we’ll contact you as soon as possible.

Select your date and time to schedule your free consultation with the Longevity Coach.