
Integrated breath training program

The Breath Training Program addresses structural and functional changes in the respiratory system caused by aging, as well as those influenced by habits, behaviors, environmental factors, or diseases.

Respiratory function is one of the fundamental pillars of longevity because of the role it plays on some essential physiological dimensions:

  1. tissue oxygenation
  2. CO2 elimination and subsequent adjustment of PH regulation
  3. support of cardiovascular and related metabolic function
  4. thermoregulation
  5. phonetics
  6. immune defense and filtration
  7. mechanical effect on body fluids: venous circulation and lymphatic drainage
  8. adaptation to physical exertion

Breath Training is a therapeutic program that can run from 3 to 11 weeks depending on the level required and is designed to help the patient re-educate respiratory function, even in the presence of pathological conditions, and enhance it should they wish to improve sports performance.

Program Goals.

Breathing Training focuses on teaching the subject proper breathing, both as a breathing technique and as the use of muscles to support function (biomechanics).

This program improves a set of specific parameters, recovering optimal respiratory function or enhancing it should it be required.

Program objectives include:

  1. Improved lung mechanics and gas exchange
  2. Improvement of specific muscle function
  3. Improvement of aerobic capacity
  4. Improvement of aerobic endurance (for the strengthening program)

These goals are monitored through the use of various devices used for initial diagnostics and evaluation of progression.

Program Structure

Breath Training is divided into 2 separate modules:

  • 3 weeks focused on respiratory reeducation
  • 11 weeks focused on strengthening the function

Re-education Program (3 weeks, 1 meeting per week)

The Re-education Program includes:

  • Initial assessment of respiratory capacity and related biomechanics: a team consisting of a breath trainer, an osteopath, and a physician analyzes individual respiratory capacity, left and right lung function, and respiratory muscle use.
  • Longevity Doctor Anamnestic Examination: if the subject is not from one of our diagnostic pathways, they undergo a thorough anamnestic examination to assess habits, behaviors, familiarity, and medical history.
  • Spirotiger + Osteopathic Session Combined Training Program: 60′ session combining 15′ of Spirotiger training and 45′ of respiratory muscle unlocking.
  • Home training program: short work sheet to be performed on a daily basis.
  • Final assessment of respiratory capacity and related biomechanics: evaluation and quantification of improvements achieved

Strengthening Program (11 weeks, 1 meeting per week)

The Enhancement Program includes:

  • The first 3 weeks overlap with the Re-education Program module.
  • Virtual altitude training: 60′ sessions combining 15′ Spirotiger training + 40′ hypoxia training with ReOxy.
  • Final assessment of respiratory capacity and related biomechanics: evaluation and quantification of improvements achieved

Medical-Specialty Team for both programs.

Breath Training is carried out by a multidisciplinary team consisting of:

  • Breath trainer: responsible for assessing respiratory function and specific training program.
  • Osteopath: performs postural and muscular assessments related to respiratory function, guiding the unblocking and reeducation of supporting muscle function.
  • Longevity Doctor: oversees the entire program, coordinates the team and evaluates progress, suggesting any changes to optimize goal achievement.

Assessments and Controls

The program takes place over 3 to 11 weeks and includes respiratory function assessments at the beginning, after 3 weeks, and at the end of the strengthening course:

  • Respiratory capacity assessment: use of Spirometry and VO2max devices
  • Respiratory function assessment: use of the Spirotiger
  • Respiratory biomechanical assessment: use of SpinalMouse for functional assessment of respiratory biomechanics to complement osteopathic assessment

Program Conclusion and Final Evaluation

At the end of each module, initial assessments with quantification of benchmarks are repeated in order to assess progress.

Methods of Access and Duration

The Breath Training program is available by appointment and consists of weekly meetings. The duration of each session is about 60′ subject to evaluation moments that may require about 30′ additional time.

Preliminary Recommendations

Prior to the start of the program, it is recommended to perform one of the checkup programs made available. If a preliminary checkup has not been performed, the program can be preceded by a series of diagnostic evaluations to further tailor therapeutic interventions.