
Sirtuins: food, diets and “Sirt” recipes

Article by SoLongevity Research
It has conquered the singer Adéle and like her many other people around the world: the Sirt diet is increasingly fashionable. But that’s not all: beyond the slogans, several researches are bringing to light how to prefer certain foods and reduce calorie intake have a positive impact on our body and can help to live well for longer.Restrizione calorica e digiuno intermittente sono modi per stimolare la produzione delle sirtuine Calorie restriction and intermittent fasting are ways to stimulate the production of sirtuins, the longevity proteins that are related to increased lifespan in several animal species.

SIRT genes, sirtuins and Sirt diet

The principle of the Sirt diet, from which it derives its name, is to stimulate the activation of SIRT genes, nicknamed longevity genes, and thus the production of sirtuin proteins, whose action puts a brake on the process of cell replication and promotes its survival, and decreases inflammation helping to prevent certain diseases. Normally, SIRT genes are activated in response to threats or metabolic stress, but it seems that some foods can act in the same way. How? By leveraging biochemical cues to boost sirtuin synthesis. Some of these foods mimic calorie restriction, others are typical of fusion recipes, a mix of Mediterranean and Asian diets.

Sirt diet leverages biochemical stimuli to enhance sirtuin synthesis

Some foods contain molecules with interesting positive effects on health, preventing the development of inflammatory diseasesIt must be said that there is still no clear scientific evidence that a diet based on certain foods can stimulate the production of sirtuins and lead to obvious health benefits in humans. There are, however, very interesting data on the properties of some molecules present in certain foods, on which nutraceutics’ development is targeting .
There are interesting scientific data on the anti-aging properties of some molecules contained in certain foods

Some Sirt Diet recipe

With this in mind, there is no reason why you shouldn’t try out some curious and fresh summer recipes from the famous Sirt Diet which, in addition to providing a reduced calorie intake, makes use of healthy foods that are also very present in the Mediterranean and fusion diets. Enjoy your meal!Dieta Sirt The famous Sirt Diet, in addition to providing a reduced calorie intake, makes use of healthy foods and also very present in the Mediterranean and fusion diets

Sirt Super Salad

Ingredienti:50 g di rucola50 g di foglie di indivia100 g di salmone affumicato80 g di avocado, sbucciato, snocciolato e affettato50 g di sedano, gambo a fettine e foglie20 g di cipolla rossa, affettata15 g di noci, tritate1 cucchiaio di capperi1 dattero Medjool grande, snocciolato e tritato1 cucchiaio di olio extra vergine di olivasucco di 1⁄4 limone10 g di prezzemolo, tritatoPreparazione:Mettere le foglie di insalata (rucola e indivia) su un piatto o in una ciotola capiente.Mescolare insieme tutti gli altri ingredienti e servire con sopra le foglie.



1⁄3 cup (50g) buckwheat1 tablespoon ground turmeric1⁄2 cup (80g) avocado3⁄8 cup (65g) tomato1⁄8 cup (20g) red onion1⁄8 cup (25g) Medjool dates, pitted1 tablespoon capers3⁄4 cup (30g) parsley2⁄3 cup (100g) strawberries, hulled1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oiljuice of 1⁄2 lemon1 ounce (30g) arugula
How to make it:
Cook the buckwheat with the turmeric according to the package instructions.Drain and set aside to cool.Finely chop the avocado, tomato, red onion, dates, capers, and parsley and mix with the cool buckwheat.Slice the strawberries and gently mix into the salad with the oil and lemon juice. Serve on a bed of arugula.

Sirtfood Green Juice


a large handfuls (about 2 1⁄2 ounces or 75g) kale a large handful (1 ounce or 30g) arugula a very small handful (about 1⁄4 ounce or 5g) flat-leaf parsley 2 to 3 large celery stalks (5 1⁄2 ounces or 150g), including leaves 1/2 medium green apple 1/2- to 1-inch (1 to 2.5 cm) piece of fresh ginger juice of 1/2 lemon 1/2 level teaspoon matcha powder
How to make it:
Mix the greens (kale, arugula, and parsley) together, then juice them. We find that juicers can really differ in their efficiency at juicing leafy vegetables, and you may need to rejuice the remnants before moving on to the other ingredients. The goal is to end up with about 2 fluid ounces or close to 1⁄4 cup (50ml) of juice from the greens.Now juice the celery, apple, and ginger.You can peel the lemon and put it through the juicer as well, but we find it much easier to simply squeeze the lemon by hand into the juice. By this stage, you should have around 1 cup (250ml) of juice in total, perhaps slightly more.It is only when the juice is made and ready to serve that you add the matcha. Pour a small amount of the juice into a glass, then add the matcha and stir vigorously with a fork or teaspoon.Once the matcha is dissolved, add the remainder of the juice. Give it a final stir, then your juice is ready to drink. Feel free to top up with plain water, according to taste.

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