SoLongevity among the 5 start-ups selected by UK National Innovation Center for Ageing

Article by SoLongevity Research
An healthy ageing start-ups’ incubator has been created within N.I.C.A., which is part of Newcastle University and is directed by Italian Nicola Palmarini. It has started by selecting 5 of them at European level, based upon their potential cross-integration and cooperation and for their uniqueness and innovation impact. Among them, there is SoLongevity.“To date, there is no other initiative like SoLongevity,” says Guido Cornettone, Solongevity CEO: “Our main goal is to make the use of longevity technologies as useful, transparent, integrated and accessible as possible, both from a diagnostic and therapeutic applications.”In fact, the new  N.I.C.A.’s incubator has the ambition to  be the collector and transformer of cutting-edge technologies, and their clinical application within the field of longevity medicine, thanks to the program “Longevity as a service“.NICA Interiors 2 It is located in the United Kingdom one of the most advanced centers in the world in basic and translational research on ageing: an agency funded by the British government with 40 million pounds. It is called N.I.C.A. – National Innovation Center for Ageing and SoLongevity is the only Italian start-up to be part of it.SoLongevity biomedical research strategy fully integrates the multidisciplinary approach demanded by Ageing Science and especially investigates  genetics and epigenetics, immunosenescence, nutraceuticals, metabolism, neurobiology and dermocosmetics. Solongevity research common goal it is the slowing, and if possible the reversing, of the degenerative processes linked to ageing by promoting a physiological rejuvenation and fostering what is now called “healthy ageing”.NICA
the new  N.I.C.A.’s incubator has the ambition to  be the collector and transformer of cutting-edge technologies, and their clinical application within the field of longevity medicin

the other Fantastic 4

Here the other fantastic four start-ups selected by N.I.C.A.  along with Solongevity :SkinLife Analytics, which has developed a mobile technology for skin cancer diagnosing based on machine learning;Breath Happy, which has developed an interactive web platform for yoga that can analyze and correct posture through your mobile or PC camera, fully customising a digital work-out coaching;ConnectedLife, which has developed a technology for continuous, remote monitoring of multiple biological parameters, based on artificial intelligence.GlycanAge, which has developed a AI based diagnostic system for protein glycation assessment.

Longevity Medicine as a strategic asset

Il mondo della Longevity conta oltre 20 mila aziende ad oggi. Per il 2019 è stato stimato un fatturato di 17 miliardi di dollari e le proiezioni per il 2026 prevedono che si toccheranno i 26 miliardi di dollari
La medicina della longevità sta diventando strategica dal punto di vista della sostenibilità dei sistemi sanitari, sia pubblici che privati
“La longevità sta diventando asset prioritario per diversi sistemi sanitari: dagli Usa a Singapore, passando per il Regno Unito”, conclude Guido Cornettone: “Se la popolazione invecchierà come indicano oggi le proiezioni, i Paesi avranno serie difficoltà a far fronte a tutte le malattie e le comorbidità. Per questo la medicina della longevità sta diventando strategica sia a livello individuale, per una elevata qualità di vita più a lungo nel tempo, sia per la sostenibilità dei sistemi sanitari, sia pubblici che privati”.The worldwide Longevity industry counts on over 20,000 companies to date. 2019 estimated industry revenues reached $17 billion, and their 2026 projections call for reaching $26 billion.Longevity medicine is becoming a strategic asset for the sustainability of healthcare systems, both public and private“Longevity is becoming a priority asset for several health systems: from the US to Singapore, passing through the UK,” concludes Guido Cornettone: “If the population ages as today’s projections suggest, Countries will have serious difficulties in coping with all diseases and comorbidities. For this reason, longevity medicine is becoming strategic both at the individual level, for an higher and longer quality of life, and for the sustainability of health systems, both public and private”.

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