The 4 Molecules of Longevity

Article by SoLongevity Research
Resveratrol, polydatin, glutathione, and NAD+ are four of the so-called “longevity molecules” on which research has long focused. In a series of four articles we explain what they are and how they work.

What this article is about

  • An introduction to resveratrol, polydatin, glutathione and NAD+
  • An introduction to the effects these “supermolecules” have on our bodies
  • Why supplements of their precursors may be useful

Allies against latent chronic inflammation

Resveratrol and polydatinglutathione and NAD+: four molecules found in different foods that are the friends of our health. Their “superpower”? In a nutshell, promoting healthy aging by countering chronic latent inflammation related to many diseases. Today we launch a series of articles to learn more about them.

Resveratrol and polydatin

Resveratrol and polydatin are antioxidant and anti-inflammatory molecules, but they also appear to have antiviral action, capable of interfering with infection by the Sars-Cov-2 coronavirus and limiting its replication in nasal epithelium cells. Resveratrol is a non-flavonoid phenol found in many foods, e.g., grapes, and has been used for years for its properties that exert an antiaging effect on our bodies. Polydatin is a precursor of resveratrol and is able to improve the functioning of mitochondria (the ‘energy’ powerhouses of cells) by modulating the action of sirtuins, a group of 7 proteins critical for survival.


Glutathione is one of the most powerful natural antioxidants in our bodies. It plays a central role in “detoxification” reactions (by which toxins, both those produced by our bodies and those from outside, such as from drugs and food additives, are eliminated) and in tissue repair, and it supports the immune system. As we age, its levels decline, but it can be restored through adequate supplementation of its precursors: glutaminecysteine, and glycine.


NAD+ is also strongly involved in cellular metabolism and aging. The presence of high levels of this molecule in the body, in fact, contributes to the activation of sirtuins, which specifically use NAD+ to carry out their functions. As is the case with glutathione, it has been found that as we age, NAD+ tends to decline. At age 70 there is up to 40 percent less of it than at age 40. Again, however, its levels can be restored through supplementation of its precursors, for example, nicotinamide (NAM).As is often the case, using precursors brings advantages because it increases bioavailability, that is, the fraction of a substance that can actually be used by the body for its physiological functions. In the case of NAD+, specifically, the molecule is too large to be absorbed by cells in the intestine, while its precursors are smaller, or there are specific transport mechanisms for their assimilation.We have devoted in-depth coverage to each of these molecules in the articles linked below on this page. You will then discover why NAD+, glutathione, polydatin and resveratrol, along with other important antioxidant molecules, are the focus of SoLongevity’s research and the basis of the patents (GluReNAD (in Italian) and GluRes) for the CellFasting and NeuroProtection nutraceuticals.

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