What is rapamycin and what effect does it have on longevity?
Rapamycin, currently used as a post-transplant anti-rejection drug, appears to counteract the age-related reduction in histone expression. However, it can cause even serious side effects
Rapamycin, currently used as a post-transplant anti-rejection drug, appears to counteract the age-related reduction in histone expression. However, it can cause even serious side effects
A consensus document from the European Atherosclerosis Society gives physicians new guidance for testing and treating high blood Lp(a) concentrations
According to a study published in Scientific Reports, exercises involving breath control appear to have a positive impact on stress symptoms
Several studies support the hypothesis that the efficacy of immunotherapy can be prolonged over time by acting on mechanisms that regulate intracellular oxidative stress
In 2013, nine causes of aging had been explained. About ten years later, the number rises to 12