Men and women have different needs even when it comes to medication. But medicine ignores this.

Men and women have different needs even when it comes to medication. But medicine ignores this.

Flavia Franconi has lived several lives. A graduate in Psychiatry, she taught Pharmacology at the University of Sassari. She then served as Health Councillor of Basilicata. But women’s health has always been at the center of her interests. Indeed, she is the “noble mother” of sex-gender medicine in Italy, and today she is also at the center of an international network as chair of the Women20 Health Commission. We asked her to tell us about the differences between the sexes when it comes to aging.

Homocysteine, a little-known cardiovascular risk factor

Homocysteine, a little-known cardiovascular risk factor

Excess homocysteine poses a health risk to the cardio- and cerebrovascular system because it stimulates the development of atherosclerosis, increasing the likelihood of stroke and heart attack. If action is taken early, by changing dietary habits and through supplements, levels can be normalized. With a double advantage

Telomere Length: A Matter of Age or Health?

Telomere Length: A Matter of Age or Health?

Telomere length is considered one of the hallmarks of aging, but new research is revealing that their “measurement” seems to be indicative more of health status than biological age. As Valentina Bollati, associate professor in the Department of Clinical and Community Sciences and the Epiget Lab at Milan State University, explains.